Llwybr Nadoligaidd Maes Gwenfrewi
A. Cefndir y Cywaith - Background to Project
A. Cefndir y Cywaith
Dechreuwyd ar y cywaith yma pan roddodd Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth ganiatád i’r Eglwys osod paneli pren yn darlunio hanes y Geni ym Mharc Gwenfrewi ger Ffordd y Gogledd. Roeddem i gyd yn teimlo y byddai’n syniad da atgoffa’r gymuned adeg yma o’r flwyddyn am y rheswm gwreiddiol dros ddathlu’r Nadolig. Gofynnwyd i bedair Ysgol gynradd y dref i ymgymryd â’r gwaith celf dan arweiniad Lois Adams o Gaerdydd. Cynhaliwyd gweithdai yn yr ysgolion lle cafodd y disgyblion gyfle i edrych ar luniau gan artistiad hen a newydd oedd wedi peintio gwahanol gymeriadau a sefyllfaoedd o’r hanes. Yna cawsant gyfle i dynnu lluniau o’u dehongliad hwy o’r digwyddiadau cyn eu peintio. Rydym yn ddiolchgar am gefnogaeth y Cyngor a’r Ysgolion yn y fenter hon. Bydd y Llwybr ar agor yn ystod y dydd trwy gydol mis Rhagfyr.
Background to Project
This collaboration began when Aberystwyth Town Council gave the Church permission to install wooden panels depicting the story of the Nativity in Parc Gwenfrewi near North Road. We all felt it would be a good idea to remind the community at this time of year of the original reason for celebrating Christmas. The town’s four primary schools were asked to undertake the artwork led by Lois Adams from Cardiff. Workshops were held in the schools where the pupils had the opportunity to look at pictures by old and new artists who had painted different characters and situations from the Nativity. They then had the opportunity to create pictures of their own interpretation of the events before painting them. We are grateful for the support of the Council and the Schools in this initiative. The Trail will be open during the day throughout December.
B. Arweiniad i'r Llwybr - Trail Guide
1. Mair a’r Angel - Mary and the Angel
Dyma’r ddau lun a ysbrydolodd rhai o ddisgyblion yr Ysgol Gymraeg wrth greu eu darlun hwy o’r angel yn dweud wrth Mair ei bod am eni babi fyddai’n Fab Duw ac yn frenin sy’n rheoli dros bob peth am byth.

These are the two paintings which inspired Ysgol Gymraeg’s pupils to create their painting of the angel informing Mary that she would give birth to the Son of God, the King who reigns over everything for ever.
Sylwch ar y lili sy’n arwydd o burdeb Mair sy’n wyryf. Mae’r Beibl wrth ei hochr yn dangos ei bod yn credu ynddo ac efallai’n darllen proffwydoliaeth Eseia (7:14) ‘Bydd y ferch ifanc yn feichiog ac yn cael mab – a bydd y plentyn yn cael ei alw yn Emaniwel (Mae Duw gyda ni.)

Notice the lilies which are a symbol of Mary’s purity and virginity. The Bible by her side shows that she believes in it. She might be reading Isaiah’s prophecy (7:14) ‘A virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel. (God with us).
2. Joseff a’r Angel - Joseph and the Angel
Ysbrydolwyd disgyblion Ysgol Plascrug gan y darlun yma o
angel yn siarad â Joseff mewn breuddwyd. Dywedodd ei fod yn iawn iddo briodi Mair gan mai’r Ysbryd Glân oedd tad y babi.
Sylwch fel mae dwylo’r angel yn dweud yr hanes.
Welwch chi gliw yn y llun sy’n dweud wrthym beth oedd gwaith Joseff?

The pupils of Ysgol Plascrug were inspired by this painting of the angel informing Joseph in a dream. He reassured Joseph that it was right for him to marry Mary since it was the Holy Spirit who was the baby’s father.
Note how the angel’s hands tell the message.
Can you see the clue in the picture that tells us what was Joseph’s work?
3. Yr Ymerawdwr Cesar Awgwstws yn gorchymyn cofrestru yn ei dref enedigol - The Emperor Caesar Augustus’ command to register in home towns.
Dyma gerflun o Cesar Awgwstws. Ef oedd ymerawdwr cyntaf yr ymerodraeth Rufeinig o 27 CC hyd nes iddo farw yn 40 OC. Ei orchymyn i bawb fynd i gofrestru yn y dref y cawsant eu geni yw’r rheswm pam fu raid i Joseff a Mair deithio i Fethlehem. Mae hanes y Geni wedi ei gofnodi gan lygad dyst o’r enw Mathew oedd yn gasglwr trethi ac yn ddisgybl i Iesu a Luc, doctor a hanesydd oedd yn byw tua’r un adeg. Am fwy o wybodaeth amdano: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/term/BIOG57074

Here is a sculpture of Caesar Augustus. He was the first emperor of the Roman Empire from 27 BC to 40 AD. His command for everyone to register in their home town is the reason why Joseph and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem. The story of the Nativity has been recorded by an eyewitness called Mathew who was a tax collector and a disciple of Jesus and Luke, a doctor and historian who lived around the same time. For more information about him: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/term/BIOG57074
4. Joseff a Mair yn teithio i Fethlehem - Joseph and Mary travelling to Bethlehem.
Mae’r daith o Nasareth, lle roedd Joseff a Mair yn byw, i Fethlehem, lle yr oeddent i gofrestru, tua 90 milltir. Fe fyddai wedi cymryd tua 4- 5 diwrnod iddynt gyrraedd Bethlehem. Dychmygwch eu siom a’u pryder o sylweddoli nad oedd lle iddynt aros wedi taith mor hir ac yn enwedig gan fod y babi ar fin cael ei eni. Ceisiwyd cyfleu eu blinder, eu pryder a’u llawenydd wrth i rywun gynnig cysgod iddynt gyda’i anifeiliaid.
The journey from Nazareth, where Joseph and Mary lived, to Bethlehem, where they were to register, is about 90 miles. It would have taken them about 4-5 days to reach Bethlehem. Imagine their disappointment and anxiety when they realized that there was no place for them to stay after such a long journey and especially as the baby was about to be born. We tried to convey their tiredness, their anxiety and their joy as someone offered them some shelter with his animals.
5. Geni Iesu mewn preseb yn y stabl - Jesus’s birth in a stable
Dyma ddehongliad cyfoes a realistig o eni Iesu ac yn un o’r lluniau y bu’r disgyblion yn ei astudio. Ceisiodd Berubé dynnu sylw at amgylchiadau gwael geni Iesu trwy eu gosod mewn stryd fudr, llawn graffiti a sbwriel. Ond mae’n cyfateb i safon y stabl lle ganwyd Iesu ac mae’n ein helpu ni, heddiw, i weld y math o dlodi y cafodd Iesu ei eni iddo. Sylwch beth sy’n cyfateb i breseb yn y llun. Y rhyfeddod yw fod Mab Duw wedi bod yn fodlon dod i lawr a chael ei roi mewn cafn bwyd anifeiliaid. ‘I orwedd mewn preseb rhoed Crëwr y Byd!

This is a contemporary and realistic interpretation of the birth of Jesus and one of the pictures that the pupils studied. Berubé tried to draw attention to the poor circumstances into which Jesus was born by placing them in a dirty street, full of graffiti and litter. But it corresponds to the standard of the stable in which Jesus was born and it helps us today to see the kind of poverty into which Jesus was born. Notice what corresponds to a manger in the picture. The wonder is that the Son of God was willing to come down and be placed in a manger!
6. Bugeiliaid a’r angylion - Shepherds and Angels
Edrychwch ar y fideo yma i glywed beth ddigwyddodd!
Look at this video to hear what happened!
7. Bugeiliaid yn y Stabl - Shepherds in the Stable
Sut fyddech chi’n teimlo petaech wedi cael neges gan angylion, wedi rhedeg i weld os yw’n wir ac yna dod o hyd i’r un sy’n mynd i’ch achub yn fabi bach! Mae’r disgyblion wedi ceisio cyfleu eu sioc, eu rhyfeddod a’u llawenydd mawr. Aethant allan yn hapus dros ben a rhannu’r newyddion da gyda phawb a welsant! Dyma ein hawydd ni hefyd!
How would you feel if you had received a message from angels, ran to see if it was true and then found the one who is going to save you as a little baby! The pupils have tried to convey their shock, wonder and great joy. They went out very happy and shared the good news with everyone they saw! This is our desire too!
8. Mair yn trysori yn ei chalon - Mary treasures in her heart
Mae’r goleuni sy’n disgleirio o’r baban Iesu yn ein hatgoffa ei fod wedi galw ei hun yn Oleuni’r Byd a gwelwn Mair yn edrych arno’n llawn cariad. Mae’n cofio pob manylyn ac yn meddwl yn aml am y cwbl oedd wedi cael ei ddweud am ei phlentyn ac yn eu trysori yn ei chalon. Beth ydych chi’n ei drysori yn eich calon chi?

The light that shines from the baby Jesus reminds us that he called himself the Light of the World and we see Mary looking at him full of love. She remembers every detail and often thinks about all that had been said about her child and treasures them in her heart. What do you treasure in your heart?
9. Gwŷr Doeth o’r Dwyrain - Wise men from the East
Teithio oedd thema ysgol Llwyn yr Eos. Edrychwch ar y fideo yma sy’n sôn am y gwahanol deithiau.
Travelling was Llwyn yr Eos’ theme. Look at this video which mentions the various journeys.
10. Herod - Herod
Herod Fawr yw’r Herod yn yr hanes. Gwnaeth y Rhufeiniad ef yn frenin ar Jiwdea yn 37 CC. Mae nifer o ddogfennau hanesyddol yn nodi ei fod yn ddyn creulon iawn a laddodd lawer yn cynnwys ei wragedd a llawer o bobl ddiniwed. Ond roedd yn ddyn cyfrwys hefyd, yn esgus yr hoffai ddod i addoli Iesu tra yn ei galon roedd yn cynllwynio ei ladd. Am fwy o wybodaeth amdano: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/term/BIOG71600
Herod the Great is the Herod in the Nativity. The Romans made him king of Judea in 37 BC. A number of historical documents state that he was a very cruel man who killed many, including his wives and many innocent people. But he was also a cunning man, pretending that he would like to come and worship Jesus while in his heart he was plotting to kill him. For more information about him: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/term/BIOG71600
11. Y doethion a’u hanrhegion - The wise men and their gifts
Mwynhaodd disgyblion Llwyn yr Eos ddychmygu yr olygfa hon o’r gwŷr doeth yn addoli Crist. Roeddent am i Mair a’r baban gael y lle canolog a thri gŵr gyda hetiau amrywiol yn rhoi eu hanrhegion drudfawr iddo. Yn y dyrfa darluniodd Boticelli ei noddwyr, pobl bwysig ei oes a hyd yn oed ei hun (ar y dde yn y blaen) ond roedd yn well gan y disgyblion leoli yr olygfa mewn stabl gydag anifeiliaid.

Llwyn yr Eos’ pupils enjoyed imagining this scene of the wise men worshipping Christ. They wanted Mary and the baby to be central and three wise men with various hats presenting their precious gifts to Him. In the crowd Botticelli painted in his patrons, famous people of the time and even himself (front right) but the pupils preferred to set the scene in a stable with animals.
12. Galar y mamau - The mothers’ grief
Thema disgyblion Padarn Sant oedd y gwahanol ymatebion i eni Crist. Mae ei rieni, y bugeiliad a’r gwŷr doeth yn ymateb gyda rhyfeddod a llawenydd ac yn ei addoli ond ymateb Herod oedd casineb ac ofn a cheisiodd ei ladd. Penderfynodd y disgyblion leoli yr olygfa drist yma y tu allan i bentref Bethlehem ac mae galar y mamau yn amlwg. Beth yw ein hymateb ni i Iesu?

Padarn Sant’s pupils looked at the different reactions to Christ’s birth. His parents, shepherds and wise men responded with wonder and joy and worshiped him. But Herod’s response was hate and fear and he attempted to kill him. The pupils decided to locate this sad scene outside Bethlehem and the mothers’ grief is very apparent. What is our response to Jesus?
13. Ffoi i’r Aifft - Escape to Egypt
Mae’r llun olaf yn lun sy’n portreadu sefyllfa gyfoes gymaint o ffoaduriaid. Mae’r ofn dychrynllyd a’r ansicrwydd a ddaw o adael cartrefi a phethau cyfarwydd i ddianc i wlad arall, diethr ei hiaith a’i harferion yn rhywbeth a brofodd Iesu a’i deulu. Ond y cysur i ni yw y gall Iesu fod gyda ni lle bynnag yr awn os y gofynnwn Iddo.
‘Tyrd Iesu, i’m hymyl ac aros o hyd,
I’m caru a’m gwylio tra fwyf yn y byd.’
The last picture is a picture that portrays the contemporary situation of so many refugees. The terrifying fear and uncertainty that comes from leaving homes and familiar things to escape to another country, with its foreign language and customs is something that Jesus and his family experienced. But the comfort for us is that Jesus can be with us wherever we go if we ask Him.
C. Am fwy o help? - Want more help?
Gallwch ddod o hyd i hanes geni Iesu Grist yn fwy manwl ar ddechrau’r Testament Newydd yn y Beibl. Mae’r hanes ym mhennod 1 a 2 o lyfr Mathew a Luc. Os nad oes gennych Feibl neu Destament Newydd cysylltwch â ni ac fe allwn gael un ichi.
Os hoffech ddysgu mwy am hanes y Geni mae cyfle ichi ymuno â ni yn ein cyfarfod Nadolig pryd y byddwn yn sôn am y rai o’r cymeriadau a’r sefyllfaoedd yma. Bydd y cyfarfod am 5.00pm Rhagfyr 17eg yn Neuadd Llanfarian a bydd cyfle i gael paned a mins pei ar ôl y cyfarfod. Mae croeso mawr ichi jest droi lan neu gallwch ffonio 01970820496 os ydych angen ‘lifft’ yno.
Cysylltwch â ni os hoffech gael sgwrs am bethau ysbrydol neu am fwy o wybodaeth am y Beibl.
You can find the account of Jesus’ birth in more detail at the beginning of the New Testament in the Bible. You’ll find the details in chapter 1 and 2 of the books of Mathew and Luke. If you don’t have a Bible or New Testament, contact us and we can provide you with one.
If you would like to learn more about the the Nativity there is an opportunity for you to join us at our Christmas meeting when we will talk about some of these characters and situations. The meeting will be at 5.00pm on December 17th in Llanfarian Hall and there will be an opportunity to have a cuppa and mince pie after the meeting. You are very welcome to just turn up or you can call 01970820496 if you need a lift there.
Contact us if you would like to have a conversation about spiritual things or for more information about the Bible.